Hi! Are you playing pixel people? If you play pixel people, you need to make a new profession from two genetics. In Pixel People, there are 361 professions and 21 special genes. I will post the profession list from page 1 to page 19. If you have found all the professions on one page, you will be rewarded with 1 utopium but only available for pages 1-7 (You can find it on Police Station). The title of page 1-7 is the official name from Pixel people. So, for pages 8-19, I will create the title for each page hahaha. I will update this post gradually. Btw if some pieces of information of profession on this page I get from Fandom of Pixel People.
1. Founding Fathers
"Mayor's Page"

2. Pilot Project
"Pilot's Page"

3. Model Citizens
"Model's Page"

4. Fishy Business
"Sushi Chef's Page"

5. Super Splicing
"Hero's Page"

6. From Clones to Clowns
"Clown's Page"

7. In Too Deep
"Diver's Page"

8. Political Adviser
"Political's Page"

9. You Are The Star
"Soccer Star's Page"

10. Let's Party!
"Party Animal's Page"

11. To Infinity and Beyond
"Star Commander's Page"

12. Life is A Masquerade
"Masquerade' Page"

13. Handle The Tooth
"Tooth Fairy's Page"

14. Everybody's Mad Scientist
"Mad Scientist's Page"

15. Winter is Coming
"Ice Lord's Page"

16. Let Me Come In
"Big Bad Wolf's Page"

17. I Do
"Newlyweds' Page"

18. Can't Lie
"Auctioneer' Page"

19. Talk to The Death
"Necromancer' Page"
